Maffiliaisms (Methods of Operations)
These are generalized and fundamental decrees enforced throughout the entirety of the entity legally recognized as Malicious Affiliates LLC. The different facets of Malicious Affiliates LLC include these, but are not limited to, or restricted from these guidelines, and may also engage and enforce added measures approved by the entity legally recognized as Malicious Affiliates LLC.
Malicious Affiliates is an LLC retaining all it's rights and legalities as a legal entity. When using the terms "I" and "we" or the term "us" it is in reference to the entity legally recognized as Malicious Affiliates LLC.
Malicious Affiliates LLC operates under the understanding that there is a "NO EXCHANGE/NO REFUND" policy. However, established discrepancies made on behalf of the entity legally recognized as Malicious Affiliates LLC through due process AND a company grievance process, issues may be deemed exceptional.
Anyone in the governing body associated with the entity legally recognized as Malicious Affiliates LLC (including, but not limited to, employees, customers, clients, vendors, members or associates, etc...) found abusing, misusing, mishandling, misappropriating, or operating outside of the guidelines set forth by the entity legally recognized as Malicious Affiliates LLC, will be asked and persuaded to act ethically, they will be reprimanded and expected to accept the consequences to the full extent of the law. Adjudications and Appropriations will be exercised by all legal and legitimate means.
Anyone in the governing body associated with the entity legally recognized as Malicious Affiliates LLC (including, but not limited to, employees, customers, clients, vendors, members or associates, etc...) found abusing, misusing, mishandling, misappropriating, or operating outside of the guidelines set forth by the entity legally recognized as Malicious Affiliates LLC, will be asked and persuaded to act ethically, they will be reprimanded and expected to accept the consequences to the full extent of the law. Adjudications and Appropriations will be exercised by all legal and legitimate means.
Anyone choosing to use the products or services provided by the entity legally recognized as Malicious Affiliates LLC realizes that these products and services are rightfully owned by the entity until a final sale. The entity legally recognized as Malicious Affiliates LLC reserves the right to refuse services and products at any time before final sale. Within that right, all materials, property, or future expectations can be reevaluated, opted out, determined null, contract void at the discrepancy of the entity recognized as Malicious Affiliates LLC. And the entity recognized as Malicious Affiliates LLC has a right to acquisition any said property, materials, tangible belongings thought to be commissioned to be used.
Anyone excommunicated by the entity legally recognized as Malicious Affiliates LLC must wait 6 (six)months to a year before reapplying, registering, or being reinstated to any position. Suspensions or being fired, is not excommunicated. To be excommunicated is a formal process solely for the purpose of excommunicating. Detailed in writing and signed by all the senior personnel in a specific department. For every senior not willing or wanting to sign, there must be 2(two) senior personnel signatures from another department. There must be 3(three)signatures to initiate an excommunication process. Anyone violating an excommunication will have to face a process of their own and can be suspended, fired or excommunicated themselves.
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