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From an idea to a plan

To me, all plans have a point of origin. All plans, whether good or bad, executed or not, originate from an idea. Some ideas are good, some are not, but all ideas, have the potential to grow into a plan. The minute you decide to act on an idea, a plan of action was already formulated. When deciding which way to handle the idea, planning was being made as to which direction to take to manifest the idea into something physical.

I feel that a plan can only be as good as the idea it was born from. A plan can be formulated, strategized and detailed perfectly, however, if it was a bad idea, the risk factors and potential consequences become more probable. And when something goes wrong in a plan the first thing said is, "I had no idea." It wasn't thought of or planned out. For example, think of the perfect plan to commit a crime of some sort. Committing a crime isn't a good idea, therefore no matter how well you plan, the chances of failure will outweigh the chances of success. Also, the risks and consequences are greater depending on how bad of an idea it was to begin with. The bigger the crime, the bigger the risks and consequences.

When planning a project, theoretically it's plausible to make the same assumptions. Factors, elements and unknown variables all play crucial parts in the planning of what you look to accomplish. The bigger the project, the more components involved. As an idea there's surrealism and infinite possibilities. With a plan, there is realism. Physical limits, regulations, stipulations and concrete guidelines. As a plan, even with improvisation and spur of the moment reactions, there's still a limited amount of mobility to deviate from the structured outline of a plan. When a plan originates from a good idea, the plan has more favorable scenarios and less risks or consequences.

From a good idea to a great plan and you're only two-thirds of the way to success. For some, completing a project is success. For others, the returns upon completion (accolades, reputation, monetization, etc.) measures their success. Executing the plan establishes and also solidifies the success or lack of success. If you have a good idea or a great plan, then the execution of this plan should be at a certain standard to ensure the overall outcome is favorable.

When executing a great plan you must focus on each detail, you must be attentive to each aspect and usually it proves to be a lot for more than expected. The name of the game for success is MANAGEMENT!! 60-80% of the credit to success can be accredited to the performance and skills of who's managing the project. It's the decisions and choices of the management that determine all of the pieces to the puzzle AND how well the pieces fit together. So always remember, for success, execution is the biggest part of a plan, and great management is crucial for executing a great plan.

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